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Graffiti status
  • Cleaned in under 3 months
  • Cleaned in over 3 months
  • Not cleaned

About this map

The Graffiti in NYC map by Mappler takes a look the status of graffiti in NYC today. Using 2010- 2011 data, instances of graffiti can be identified in three different colors; red, yellow, and green. The green points on the map indicate graffiti that was reported and cleaned in less than 90 days. Yellow points were cleaned in more than 90 days and red points have not been cleaned at all. Additionally using the task bar to the right of the map the user can make visible only locations that have been cleaned, or not cleaned. The task bar also allows for point specification by exact graffiti treatment. The user can simply click on the box located next to one of the five treatment options, ranging from properly cleaned to unspecified, and notice any visible patterns. This can be especially interesting when combining one of these specification with the heat map function also located on the task bar. The heat map shows intensity of data points in a location rather than points individually. This function allows users to see exactly where clusters and patterns of intensity are most prevalent.

Source: NYC Open Data (
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