Vitamin B3 — Niacinpollen

Vitamin B3 — Niacin

Therefore we need Vitamin B3 to live and function, not to mention not feeling tired.

It also helps keep our digestive systems healthy. It’s vital for both growth, and healthy skin. It lowers the stuff in your blood you don’t want, such as LDL bad cholesterol and real racing 3 hack no root triglycerides, but raises the good cholesterol HDL. It’s a hero to all of us because it helps synthesize sex hormones.

It may also help alleviate arthritis and prevent heart attacks.

Signs of a Vitamin B3 deficiency include pellegra, dermitis, diarrhea, dementia, bright red and sore tongue, inflamed mouth and throat, canker sores, mental illness, schizoprenia, weakness in muscles, fatigue, irritability, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, bad breath, insominia and ulcers.

Vitamin B3 is found in brewers yeast, organ meats, fish, lean meat, whole grains, nuts, dried peas and beans, turkey and chicken white meat, and dairy products.

Also, our bodies synthesize it from the amino acid tryptophan.

50 to 100 milligrams is a good supplemental dosage. Take it in the form of niacinamide. If you take large quantities of niacin, it causes a weird hot flushing feeling.

It’s a water soluble vitamin, so generally any excess will be excreted out through your urine.

However, if you have any of these conditions consult with your doctor: bleeding problems, diabetes, glaucoma, gout, kim kardashian hollywood cheat online liver disease, low blood pressure or stomach ulcers.

All B vitamins work together, so you should take it only in